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What Could Possibly Go Wrong in the Operating Room?

Acknowledging the vast array of potential issues in operating rooms is a key factor in understanding the critical need for an innovative, efficient, and sustainable ecosystem, aiming to modernize these environments to reduce clinical workforce-related burden, improve surgical outcomes, and impact patient safety significantly

At TrackiMed, We're on a Mission to Transform OR Operations

Our solution serves as an extra pair of eyes and ears in the Operating Room,
with a focused mission to relieve the burdens on nurses and transform OR efficiency through automation, digitization, and real-time alerts and analytics.

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Tracking and Monitoring the OR will not only improve patient safety but also reduce operating costs and lead to the optimization of the operating room for a more efficient and reliable surgical environment

The Rigorous Task of Managing and Monitoring Every Detail in the Operating Room is a Sisyphean Task 

In today's ever-evolving healthcare landscape, Operating Rooms are facing numerous challenges s that not only impact Patient Safety and cost Efficiency but also take a toll on the Well-Being of Healthcare Professionals. The responsibility of managing and monitoring every aspect of OR procedures, from preparation to surgery and post-surgical tasks, is a massive and ongoing responsibility. Unfortunately, this often results in inefficiencies.

Surprisingly, the healthcare system has lagged behind in adopting advanced technology solutions. Many of the essential, routine tasks still rely heavily on manual processes. The preparation and utilization of surgical instruments often lead to challenges, including instrument oversight, inventory discrepancies, and the need for frequent recounts. These issues, in turn, result in operational delays, concerns about sterilization efficiency, and questions regarding the optimal utilization of resources.

These essential yet labor-intensive duties are time-consuming and error-prone,  Retained surgical objects pose a critical oversight issue raising major concerns for patient safety. Unfortunately, the occurrence of retained surgical items still happens in 0.4% of cases and considerable delays in 12.5% of surgeries, compromising patient health and the overall efficiency of surgical operations.

Healthcare Quality Issues & Patient Safety Are a Major Concern 

Surgical Procedure Risks

Retained Surgical Objects:

A Critical Oversight

Unnecessary Extended Anesthesia:
Potential Complications

Elevated Infection Risk:
A Concern for Patient Safety

Instrument and Inventory Management

Instrument Oversight:


Operational Delays:
Inventory and Recount Issues

Sterilization Efficiency:
Low Utility Concerns

Staffing & Documentation Challenges

Reporting Errors:

Documentation Accuracy

Staffing Strain:

Affecting Care Quality

Compromised Patient Safety Due to Overburdened Staff and Diminished Care Standards

The Heavy Workload's Impact on OR Nurses' Quality of Life as well as on Patient Safety
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According to the American College of Healthcare Executives 2023 Annual Survey: Among 310 CEOs, 291 cited Personal Shortage as their Top Concern.
250K Registered Nurses Shortage
 35% Severe  Burnout & Likely to Leave

According to the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis in a 2017 report,the number of registered nurses needed in the United States is estimated to skyrocket by 28.4% 

A significant shortages of 1.2 million new registered nurses  (RNs) by 2030 

Other studies show that 36% of the RN's tasks are not requiring their clinical skills

Optimization of OR's Efficiency is a Key Factor
To Significant Cost Reduction
& Improved Financial Performance

What if We Could  Achieve
Up to  52% Reduction
in OR's Costs?

The US Healthcare Costs Are Skyrocketing

Healthcare leaders advocate for immediate solutions to address three major challenges: staffing shortages, financial constraints, and the urgent need to enhance patient safety and care quality.

The U.S. is witnessing a surge in healthcare costs, projected to reach a staggering 23% of the national GDP by 2030, totaling $6.8 trillion. Factors such as an aging population and the prevalence of chronic illnesses are driving demand for specialized care services in hospitals. Hospital care alone constitutes 32% of total healthcare spending, with projections of $2.2 trillion by 2030, equivalent to 7.5% of the GDP.

The Operating Rooms Division Is A Significant Financial Strain

The Operating Room serves as a significant revenue generator for healthcare providers.

Yet, it represents a substantial resource demand and a significant cost driver within hospital care, with expected expenditures of $789 billion by 2030, equivalent to 3% of the GDP. 

ORs Account for 36% of hospital costs

The Operating Room division  contributes significantly to hospital operating costs,
comprising an estimated 36%-40%.

ORs Contribut to 70% of hospital waste

 The Operating Room division is responsible for a substantial portion of hospital waste and inefficient resource utilization, including single-use items, surgical instruments, tools, and surplus supplies.

Leaders in the U.S. Are Increasingly Calling For Actionable Solutions

Our Solution 

TrackiMed Invites You to a New Era of Healthcare Excellence

Redefining the Operating Room Landscape

Trackimed develops a software platform that is uniquely tailored to seamlessly complement the surgical theater and designed to serve as an extra pair of ears and eyes in the OR 

Introducing an advanced ecosystem that will significantly reduce the workload for nurses, improve overall efficiency while ensuring cost-effectiveness, and enhance the quality of care with predictive, preventive solutions for patient safety.

We aim to create an advanced, dynamic, and real-time responsive surgical environment by providing the team with real-time alerts to alter the Sisyphean manual tasks of managing and monitoring every logistic aspect
before, during, and after surgical procedures through digitization and automation

We harness the power of computer vision, cloud-based AI, and cutting-edge Natural Language Processing (NLP) to pioneer the First-of-Its-Kind Hospital Operating Room Perioperative Assistant Platform

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